Lodi Insecto Pro-Formula Bait Stations Ant & Nest Destroyer 2 Pack

Lodi Insecto Pro-Formula Bait Stations Ant & Nest Destroyer 2 Pack

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Product Details

To control an ant infestation, you must eliminate the nest and queen. This takes time and a product that contains both a bait and insecticide is the best way to effectively kill off an entire colony of ants. Ants are foragers and constantly looking for food and water to take back to their nest and share with other ants.

Our honey-based ant stations provide a proven bait with insecticide. Ants will quickly locate the new food source and take the bait back to their nest and share with the other worker ants, larvae and the queen to effectively destroy the entire colony.

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Name Lodi Insecto Pro-Formula Bait Stations Ant & Nest Destroyer 2 Pack