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Product Details
This large bag of Gardman Homegrown Harvest Wild Bird Seed is made 100% from ingredients sourced from British farms. For use in seed feeders, bird tables and on the ground which will help provide the birds with everything they need.
For Britain’s beautiful garden birds, only the very best will do. Homegrown harvest is a wholesome blend sourced from all over the UK, including Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Packed with high quality ingredients, including suet, naked oats and black rapeseed. This carefully crafted food will keep bird populations thriving for generations to come.
Put out feed twice a day, once in the morning and again in the afternoon to ensure your garden birds have a constant supply of food.
Make water available year round for birds to drink and bathe, ensuring it doesn’t freeze over in the winter.
Additional Information
Name Gardman High Quality Bird Seed Homegrown Harvest 12.75kg